Community Resources

Community Resources

We've gathered some relevant pages and resources for our community related to broadband access and digital equity. We'll update these as new tools and resources come available.

The Affordable Connectivity Program

Effective February 8th, 2024 the Affordable Connectivity Program has closed its doors to new applications and enrollments. Without further funding from Congress, April is expected to mark the conclusion of full benefits for enrolled households. To be eligible for the ACP benefit, consumers were required to complete approval and enrollment with a service provider by 11:59 p.m. ET on February 7th. Should the program receive renewed funding or if another broadband service affordability program emerges, we'll promptly notify you. Stay tuned for updates!

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Get Tech Help at the Stevens County Library!

The Libraries of Stevens County hold periodic TechHelp events, offering personalized one-on-one assistance for your internet-connected devices. Navigate to the Events tab in the menu to determine when the next session is scheduled. Whether you need troubleshooting and guidance or simply want to enhance your digital skills, our TechHelp sessions are here to support you every step of the way.

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The Stevens County/Spokane Tribe Broadband Action Team

Discover the Stevens County/Spokane Tribe Broadband Action Team (B.A.T.)—a dynamic coalition of providers, community leaders, and tribal representatives dedicated to advancing Internet and Digital Equity in our region. Hosted by the local Washington State University Extension Office, the B.A.T. convenes monthly to strategize and collaborate on bridging the digital divide.

Explore our website to learn more about the B.A.T.'s mission, initiatives, and upcoming meetings. We warmly invite you to join us in our efforts to ensure equitable access to digital resources for all. Your participation is invaluable in shaping the future of connectivity in our community.

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The FCC National Broadband Map
The need for accurate data pinpointing where broadband service is available and where it is not available has never been greater. The National Broadband Map provides information about the internet services available to individual locations across the country, along with new maps of mobile coverage, as reported by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the FCC’s ongoing Broadband Data Collection.
Consumers, state, local, and Tribal government entities, and other stakeholders can file challenges to verify the accuracy of the data shown on the map. An accurate map helps identify the unserved and underserved communities most need funding for high-speed internet infrastructure investments.
Check out the National Broadband Map to see what services are being reported as available in your area.

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Check out the Washington State Broadband Office

The Washington State Broadband Office serves as the state-level entity that fosters connectivity and digital equity across the diverse landscapes of Evergreen State. Established with a vision to bridge the digital divide, this office is a hub of strategic initiatives to expand high-speed internet access to every corner of Washington.

With a commitment to inclusivity, innovation, and collaboration, the Washington State Broadband Office works to cultivate partnerships, develop infrastructure, and implement policies that empower communities, businesses, and individuals to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.

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NTIA's B.E.A.D. Program

High-speed Internet access isn't a luxury. It’s needed to engage in the economy fully, and it helps ensure public safety and our nation's health. Unfortunately, too many in America lack access to affordable, reliable high-speed Internet.

The Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program provides $42.45 billion to expand high-speed Internet access by funding planning, infrastructure deployment, and adoption programs in all 50 states, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

Washington State has been allocated $1.23 billion from this program to facilitate infrastructure development throughout our state. Learn more about the national program here. 

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